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Thursday, October 27, 2011

My Beef Curry

Oh Guys that's my favourite homemade creation, and my favourite meal at the moment! 

If you like beef mince, ginger, chili, coconut milk and indian spices, you will LOVE this recipe, which doesn't need to be salted. 

And because sometimes medicine impairs your taste, this recipe will wake up your palate because it contains a lot of spices ! MMMH ! 

Yes, you can see there is no rice with this recipe. That's a Paleo recipe guys. No grains. 

Paleo? Pardon? This diet suits me very well. Everyone is unique, however if you haven't found yet what suits you best to be fit and feel alive, then you should give it a go and see how it goes. Have a look at robbwolf.com/2011/09/29/what-is-the-paleo-diet

There are carbs : the veggies.  The proteins are the meat. And the fat is the meat, the oil and the coconut cream. And that's super healthy. 

You need :
- 1 desert spoon of coconut oil or clarified butter (guee)

- Some fresh ginger, fresh garlic and fresh red chilies (the small one) AND a mortar ideally

- Coriander, Cumin, Fennel Mustard and Black Pepper ground + Turmeric powder (I cheated I found the mix with these organic spices ! ) 

- 500 grams of Beef Mince ( organic or grass-fed are better for you ) 

- 250 ML of coconut cream (choose one without additives or preservatives. In a glass container is better, because it doesn't contain any BPA)

- Any veggies you like and as much as you want : I love this recipe with broccolis and carrots, or green beans and carrots, or zucchinis and carrots ! 

- 1 fresh lime

For an extra boost of energy OR if you struggle to gain weight, you can add pumpkins or sweet potatoes. After a workout that's the ideal time ! 

  1. Peel a clove of garlic, a cube of ginger and one red chili (remove the seeds so it won't be too spicy). Use a mortar to mix them together or cut very thin pieces. Heat your pan to medium. 
  2. Once the pan is ready, put a good chuck of your chosen fat and let it melt while making sure to coat the whole pan with it.
  3. The mix (ginger, garlic and chili) goes in first. Stir and wait a few minutes. Check that they are almost soft. 
  4. Then put the meat. 
  5. Stir and sprinkle the spices (all the spices together should be like a desert spoon) 
  6. Stir again. Pour the coconut milk. Stir once more and put the lid on. 
  7. Cut your veggies. Add the vegetables, by batch, starting with the toughest ones, while making sure to stir all along.
  8. Put the lid on, and leave it without stirring for 10 minutes. 

Then ... help yourself and add a few drops of freshly squeezed lime juice on it 

Bon Appétit ! 

And let me know what do you think. 


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